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UOC of the USA Delivers Assistance to Donetsk Region of Ukraine

08.09.2015, 15:45

St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Society of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA helped to purchase 30 tons of coal in order to provide warm winter season environment for about 111 residents of a charitable elderly assisted living facility that provides residence for people that range in between 60-90 years of age in small village in Donetsk region.

Thirty tons of coal, diapers and basic food items were provided to the charitable house of hospitality in Eastern Ukraine, which is under the spiritual care of Donetsk Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate).

Transferring the funds to various institutions in Ukraine, Bishop Daniel stated: “…Whether it is a clothing item, or trucks full of coal, diapers, food items, medication – these are the means by which the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA reaches to her brethren in Ukraine in time of need and offers a hand filled with the expressions of love. This is the commitment of our forefathers from the USA, who left their ancestral homeland Ukraine decades ago and instilled the love for those in need among their children in America. It is also a commitment of so many different generations of the clergy and faithful of the Church, who come from different backgrounds and paths of life. It is a commitment of the Body of Christ to care for God’s creation not only in Ukraine – but in every place, where the tragedy occurs and the means of assistance become a reality. For years, the UOC of the USA has been participating in numerous charitable outreach programs in Ukraine, the United States of America, Middle East, etc. Whenever the tragedy strikes – the compassionate faithful heart of Ukrainian Orthodox Christian opens the doors for the expression of a humble charitable act of kindness in the name of Christ the Savior.”

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