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VI International School of Islamic Studies held in Odessa

04.07.2017, 10:25

This year, the International School of Islamic Studies, which has already become traditional, is taking place in Odessa. It is dedicated to “Islam in the modern world: historical, cultural, intellectual space,” Religion in Ukraine has reported citing Alraid.

This year, the International School of Islamic Studies, which has already become traditional, is taking place in Odessa. It is dedicated to “Islam in the modern world: historical, cultural, intellectual space,” Religion in Ukraine has reported citing Alraid.


With 32 participants and 22 reports young scholars worked during 5 days. Among the lecturers is a guest from Brussels, Professor Muhammad Badie, who is also a Sharia specialist; a well-known Ukrainian scholar, translator and Islamologist, Associate Professor of the National University of Ostroh Academy Mykhailo Yakubovich; Mufti of the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Ukraine Ummah Said Ismagilov; Head of the Eastern Philosophy Department of the Department of Religious Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleg Yarosh; a fellow of the Institute of Eastern Studies of the Historical Faculty of Poznan University (Poland) Mariusz Marshevsky; an Azerbaijani historian, political scientist, theologian and publicist Teymur Atayev.


The discussion is devoted to current processes that take place in the cultural, scientific, religious environment of Muslims in Ukraine, in the post-Soviet space, as well as in countries of Western Europe and the Middle East. The participants will discuss issues related to the history of Islam, cultural phenomena, intellectual developments, Islamic philosophy, and theology.


The school operates from June 30 to July 5 at the Islamic Cultural Center of Odessa.

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