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You will never be abandoned or forgotten by God – the UGCC Synod appealed to people who suffered from occupation and war

13.09.2016, 10:26

“We wish to embrace with special attention and assurances of prayer those directly affected by war: combatants, wounded, families of the deceased and missing, those who have been forced to leave their homes, and those living under occupation and at the boundary line,” goes the Synod’s message.

The hierarchs of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church have gathered at the annual synod and addressed the words of support and solidarity to the Ukrainian people, who for more than two years have been living in an undeclared but bloody and devastating war. It is reported by the Information Department of the UGCC.

“We wish to embrace with special attention and assurances of prayer those directly affected by war: combatants, wounded, families of the deceased and missing, those who have been forced to leave their homes, and those living under occupation and at the boundary line,” goes the Synod’s message.

Appealing to the millions of Ukrainian, who were forced to leave their homes, the hierarchs note that “becoming exiles in their own land and having lost almost everything,” they often feel forgotten, abandoned and helpless. “Believe, however, that you will never be abandoned or forgotten by God. He is with you in tough moments. You know that in our Church communities you can always find warm words of sympathy and brotherly support,” the hierarchs assure the temporarily displaced persons.

The document says, “many of you have lost families and friendships, which are difficult to replace. Experience shows that often the salvation is a religious or social community: they help not only to overcome financial difficulties, but do not despair. We encourage you to build new relationships of support and not be alone with the pain. For Christians, it can be parishes that are called to be “a meeting place with the living Christ.”

Addressing those who take internally displaced persons, including helping them to find housing, work, arrange their household, return hope, the hierarchs thanked the people open their hearts and homes to “accept Christ himself.”

However, the hierarchs note that war have made evident not only evil, but goodness and sacrifice of our people. “We have witnessed the courage of thousands of men who rushed without hesitation to protect the country from the enemy, despite the fact that our country was not capable, especially at the beginning, to provide even basic military necessities. You, glorious our soldiers, have revealed a new meaning for all of us courage, loyalty and honor. As a church, while praying together “for all the host,” we imagine your lightsome faces,” the hierarchs state.

The hierarchs extended special gratitude to volunteers who incessantly help those affected by war. “Sometimes it seems that part of the Ukrainian society has forgotten that the country is at war. But you – soldiers, volunteers and internally displaced persons - you know that it lasts and continues to take away lives and destroy destiny. You are not alone! The mission of the Church was always in the service of the suffering. This vocation of the Church in Ukraine carry through the work of chaplains, help the wounded, displaced and the families of the dead,” noted members of the Synod of the UGCC.

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