Young people should be at the forefront of fighting with corruption, first of all – in education, said the UGCC Head

As the UGCC has chosen the issue of countering the sin of corruption as central to its public message this year, on April 16, Patriarch Sviatoslav sent a special message to young people, urging them to be at the forefront of the liberation from the virus of corruption that has spread to all spheres of life, especially in education.
The messages of the UGCC head will be read in all churches of the UGCC on Palm Sunday, April 24 this year.
"Corruption destroys social freedom. This spiritual and moral servitude is contrary to human dignity, deprives us of the future, and distorts the relationship between people. For a corrupt personality other people are a means to achieve the benefits .... Another kind of evil that many of you feel the most acute is corruption in education. It brings moral devastation and hopelessness. When children become aware from a school bench that the formula for success is ruse and deception, and not talent and work, their sense of justice subsides. Subsequently, a student or pupil lives with the idea that justice does not exist and the can break the law,” goes the message.
The patriarch urges youth, “which became the driving force of many changes,” to be at the forefront of liberation from corruption, especially in education.”
“It is painful to see that many of those who stood on Maidan and were willing to die for the country's future and for fair rules are ready to compromise with their own conscience for the sake of some minor goals or temporary relief. Give bribe and get a better grade, pay and defend a thesis, cheat and pass the exam with ease,” Patriarch Sviatoslav continues and calls:
“Dear young people, you deserve all the best! To great! Do not let anyone denigrate your dreams or ambitions! Learn! Work! Be honest! Do not give bribes and do not be silent when you need them! Corruption is afraid of light and openness. In order to get a good grade or a diploma, you do not need much - just honestly explore the subject. To get a good job - just do every effort for that. And so, unwittingly, taking the exams one by one, you will pass the test of life.
Do not be afraid that first you will feel powerless and they will cry after you: he is a case! Complicating his life.” The young people who spread their clothes in front of Jesus, who entered the royal city, and cut branches of young trees, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” looked just as strange in the eyes of the Pharisees. Resistance to corruption causes a furious opposition of those who do not want to change. Similarly, the Dispensation teachers requested Jesus to silence the young people. But his answer was: “If they remain silent - the stones will cry out!” If the young hearts will go silent in the face of the wrong - the Ukrainian land will cry out to God itself! “
The patriarch warns young people that it is difficult to immediately change the whole system in a corrupt society, however, “a small honest deed can move even the most corrupt heart and its example inspire others to be resistant to temptations.”
“Look for the likeminded, and be sure that among your peers there are thousands of people who can say," I neither give nor take bribes! "This will help restore confidence and community spirit that is being destroyed by corruption in our society. The Church will always support you in this movement of honesty,” Patriarch Sviatoslav called on Ukrainian youth.