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Ukrainian Ministry Presents New Books On Papal Visit

28.09.2001, 17:09

Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 28 September 2001 presented two new publications dedicated to His Holiness John Paul II’s visit to Ukraine this past June. Anatolii Zlenko, head of the ministry, called the appearance of the books “an event in the cultural and spiritual life of Ukraine.”

One book, named “Ukraine, You Are My Prayer,” contains a collection of photographs which, according to the publishers, re-create the atmosphere of the pope’s stay in Kyiv and Lviv. The other volume has the texts of the public talks and speeches given by both the head of the Vatican State and by Ukraine’s president during John Paul II’s visit. Each text in the second book (pictured at right), called “The Visit of Goodness and Peace,” is given both in Ukrainian and in English. Information for this article was taken from the Ukrainian-language site,

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