At the Pontifical Synod, UGCC Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh urged to listen to the voice of the youth

Сьогодні, 10:30
At the Pontifical Synod, UGCC Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh urged to listen to the voice of the youth - фото 1
As a member of the UGCC delegation to the second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican, Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainians of the Byzantine Rite in Germany and Scandinavia Bohdan Dziurakh delivered a speech on synodality and the role of youth in the missionary service of the Church.

This was reported by the press service of the Apostolic Exarchate for Ukrainians of the Byzantine rite in Germany and Scandinavia.

With these words, he called for the renewal of the Church through the active participation of the younger generation, those who should become a carrier of hope and novelty in the world.

“In the missionary and evangelizing ministry of the Church, our youth, mature in faith, joyful bearers of hope and gospel novelty, can and should be important actors,” said Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh, noting the importance of involving young people in active life in the Church.

Quoting the words of His Holiness Pope Francis that “the Church needs more spring, and spring is the time of youth,” the bishop cited an example from a country in Western Europe where more and more young people are finding their way to faith through the simple and sincere testimony of the older generation.

“These are not parents, who are often confused about their religious beliefs, but grandparents who, having lived a difficult life, radiate happiness, encouraging young people to meet Jesus. “We are happy because we have Jesus!“ is how these people explained their happiness, and their words became the driving force behind the conversion of young people,” said the bishop.

He emphasized that “having met the Lord, young people become courageous witnesses of the Risen Christ, ready to give their lives for the Gospel values.”

Bishop Bohdan Dziurakh also mentioned the thousands of young people in Ukraine fighting for the dignity and freedom of their people, recalling the unforgettable Way of the Cross in Lisbon last year, which deeply moved all the participants.

The Apostolic Exarch called for attentive listening to the voice of young people and protecting their enthusiasm from being distorted by modern ideological trends, even within the bosom of the Church.

“Perhaps the anniversary of youth could be a good opportunity to listen to our young people, and with them - to God's voice. It is from such an obedient acceptance of God's will that a new missionary impulse can be born, which the Church needs so much today,” the bishop suggested.

As reported previously, on October 2, the Vatican officially opened the second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, themed “For A Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission.” Synodal meetings will last until October 27, 2024.