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Beatification process of Metropolitan Andrey will most likely be completed by 2015

01.07.2013, 13:39

“In 2015 the UGCC commemorates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky). Therefore, I think, that the process of his beatification will be completed by then. I expect that in two years we will be praising him as Blessed Metropolitan Andrey,” stated his Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk).

“In 2015 the UGCC commemorates the 150th anniversary of the birth of Metropolitan Andrey (Sheptytsky). Therefore, I think, that the process of his beatification will be completed by then. I expect that in two years we will be praising him as Blessed Metropolitan Andrey,” stated his Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), UGCC head, in an answer to a question from a journalist during the nationwide Ukrainian Pilgrimage to Stradch in the Lviv region.

The beatification process for Metropolitan Sheptytsky began in 1958. At the beginning of the process Cardinal Wyszynski from Poland twice sought to end the process. But in 1959, the eldest son of the Chief Rabbi of Lviv, Kurt Lewin, came to Rome on his own initiative. Lewin testified in support of the metropolitan, who hid him and other Jews from the Nazis during World War II. Pope John XXIII restored the process of beatification. But two years later Cardinal Wyszynski again appealed to the Congregation and the process was halted. But in 1963, Cardinal Josyf Slipyj returned from exile and testified in the case of Andrey Sheptytsky. And the Pope renewed the process.

Prayer for Andrew Sheptytsky's Beatification

0 My God, I adore Your infinite Majesty with all the powers of my soul. I thank You for the graces and gifts which You did bestow upon Your faithful Servant Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky.

I ask You to glorify him also on earth with evident proofs and miracles. For this end I beseech You to give me the favor, which I humbly ask from Your Fatherly mercy...

O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your Mother grant that Your faithful Servant Metropolitan Sheptytsky be proclaimed a saint for the greater glory of God, for the salvation of souls and the good of our Catholic Church, Amen.

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