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Caritas Launches Project To Help Senior Citizens

15.11.2002, 12:19

The charitable fund “Caritas” of the western Ukrainian Ivano-Frankivsk eparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has started charity project providing home care for senior citizens. This news was reported by Radio “Svoboda” (Liberty) on 15 November 2002.

Priests, physicians and other volunteers will look after senior citizens who live alone and need care and help. Over the last decade, “Caritas” has organized many projects for senior citizens, the handicapped and the poor. The home care project will sanitary and hygienic services and assistance in solving practical household problems, such as the provision of medicines and food. In 2003, “Caritas” plans to launch another charity program, entitled “Flowers for the Sick.” All such projects are sponsored by Ukrainian and foreign benefactors. Source:

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