Community Council under the Ministry of Culture called to stop political speculations around religious situation in Ukraine

The Community Council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine strongly condemns political speculations around confessional affiliation of the citizens who became victims of criminal offenses.
The cases of the tragic death of two representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (in communion with the Moscow Patriarchate) - nun Alevtina of the Holy Ascension St Florus Monastery and rector of the temple of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana Roman Nikolaev are exploited by some media for information propaganda ends and various political speculations. In this respect, on August 10 in Kyiv, theCommunity Council under the Ministry of Culture released a statement calling to stop political speculations about the religious situation in Ukraine.
“We express our condolences to the family and co-religionists of those killed. We call on the police to find the perpetrators of these audacious crimes, to ensure full and impartial investigation in order to adequately punish the offenders. We consider unacceptable any political speculation, which could hinder the administration of justice and the establishment of real circumstances of these tragic events. The Commission for Religious Affairs of the Community Council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine will monitor the development of the situation and inform the public,”goes the statement, approved by members of the Board of the Community Council under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.