For five days a full-scale war launched by Russia against Ukraine – Operative situation

28.02.2022, 18:17
Ukraine and world
For five days a full-scale war launched by Russia against Ukraine – Operative situation - фото 1
For five days a full-scale war launched by Russia against Ukraine continues at the very heart of Europe.


The Russian troops have crossed Ukraine’s borders from the territory of Russia, Belarus and the temporarily occupied parts of Ukraine’s Donetsk, Luhansk regions and Crimea. At the same time, Russia keeps attacking Ukraine from the East, South, North (including the territory of Belarus) by air.

Ukrainian Air Force shot down a cruise missile launched at the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, by a TU-22 bomber from the territory of Belarus. Other military actions against Ukraine are being perpetrated from the territory of Belarus including missile launches to the infrastructure objects in Ukraine. That are war crimes committed against Ukraine and its people. Those providing assistance to Russia’s invasion in Ukraine will bear responsibility with Russia in accordance with the international law and will be similarly internationally isolated as Russia.

Russia uses all its military potential to attack Ukraine and has begun redeploying reserve units on the border with Ukraine. It fires cruise and ballistic missiles at cities, attacks with aviation, tanks and artillery, sends subversion and reconnaissance groups, which mark residential buildings in preparation for the air attacks.

Russia’s missiles are now aimed at destroying the infrastructure objects: they targeted the radioactive waste disposal site near Kyiv (no leaks detected so far), the fire at the fuel base in Vasylkiv (Kyiv region) has been stopped, the levels of ecological threat and toxic contamination are being assessed. Fuel and gas stations around the country keep being targeted by Russian missiles. Mykolaiv airport was hit by a missile attack. AN-225 ‘Mriia’, the biggest Ukrainian transport airplane was burned by the aggressor.

Among other infrastructural and industrial damage are the following: the blown-up bridges (Stoyanka on Kyiv-Zhytomyr highway, between Bucha and Irpin) and the water dam on the border to Crimea. The objects of logistic infrastructure (bridges, airports) and water reservoirs remain among the targets (Vyshhorod dam, which could lead to destroying other ridges of the cascade in Kaniv, Kremenchug, etc up to an accident on Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant).

Russian missiles keep dropping on civilians’ heads and buildings, while Russian tanks keep trying to force their way into Ukraine’s capital. It is the most horrific time for Kyiv since 1941 when it was attacked by Nazi Germany.

Kyiv remains one of the main targets of the cruise missiles, residential buildings in the cities of Kharkiv, Zhytomyr and Chernihiv are targeted also, the number of injured civilians keeps growing, many people have lost their homes. The activity of the subversion and reconnaissance groups has increased in Sumy, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Kherson and Kharkiv regions. There is the evidence of sniper activity in the area.

Such towns as Schastya and Stanytsia Luhanska near Luhansk are now nearly destroyed, as well as residential buildings in and around Kyiv and Kharkiv. The enemy took control over the airport in Berdiansk and the towns of Berdiansk, Henichesk and Nova Kakhovka.

The Russian troops continue severe shelling of both military infrastructure and civilian objects, attacked Zmiinyi Island in the Black Sea, seized the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station and a part of southern Kherson region including the North Crimean Canal.

Due to the active moving of Russian heavy militaries through the Chornobyl exclusion zone the radiation level has increased rapidly.

In the Black Sea Russian war ships deliberately attacked two civil vessels under the third country flags (Panama and Moldova) approaching Ukraine, which constitutes a flagrant violation of the International Maritime Law. Pretending to conduct a ‘counter-terrorist operation’, Russian military vessels currently are blocking the access of civil ships to the North-Western part of the Black Sea along Ukraine’s shoreline. In violation of the International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea, the humanitarian aid mission (the rescue ship ‘Sapphire’) was captured and detained by Russian warships in the Snake Island area. Two other Ukrainian civil ships were de facto pirated by Russian warships under the pretext of a ‘security check-up’ in the course of the so-called ‘counter-terrorist operation’.

The web-sites of the governmental institutions of Ukraine suffer from cyber attacks. The “sleeping” sabotage groups continue their attempts to sew panic among the civilian population through social networks and other means of on-line communication. The activity of Russian technical intelligence unit, which directed local sabotage groups had been terminated in Mariupol.

In response, Ukraine has activated its right for self-defence according to the Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

The Russian propaganda speculates about Ukraine preparing a ‘dirty bomb’, which is merely a sick fantasy. Ukraine does not possess nuclear weapons or materials for it, and does not conduct any work to create or acquire them. We are a responsible member of the NPT.

The Russian troops are suffering losses: aircrafts, helicopters, tanks, trucks, personnel. The aggressor forces have already lost around 5300 in manpower during 24-28 February.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had given orders to inflict the maximum possible losses to the aggressor.

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian citizens have already joined the territorial defence units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And this number is growing.

Putin has ordered the country’s nuclear-deterrence forces to be put on alert! The fate of Europe is being determined now in Ukraine. If Putin does not meet proper response, if he is not stopped now, he will move further, putting all European states under severe risk.


Russians keep attacking kindergartens and orphanages, thus committing war crimes and violating the Rome Statute. Hospitals and mobile medical aid brigades are also targeted by the Russian shellfire and the sabotage groups, working in Ukraine’s cities and towns.

The Russian military fired on ambulance crews in the areas of Zaporizhzhia and Kyiv. In addition to the attacks on emergency medical care providers, hospitals are one more chosen fire target for the Russian occupiers.

As of today, 352 people including 16 children were killed and 1684 people (116 children) wounded in Ukraine during five days of the Russian invasion. (The numbers are being updated).

In Okhtyrka district of Sumy region, Russian tanks shot down a bus with civilians. The Russian military does not allow ambulances. The surrounding area is mined. Family doctors are going by foot to provide medical care to the victims.

With the Office of the Attorney General of Ukraine, we are collecting these and further evidence, which we will transfer to The Hague.

Russian military aggression kills not only Ukrainians but threatens thousands of foreigners who are staying in Ukraine. We regret that while they had been warmly welcomed in our country, nowadays Russian invasion put their lives at high risk. We understand the will of foreign citizens to leave the territory of Ukraine for a safer place and we are providing all possible assistance at the border as we do for all our citizens. All procedures at the border including for children are simplified to facilitate the crossing for all persons willing to do so without any discrimination.

Ukrainian underaged children are crossing EU/Ukraine border without parents (together with adult friends/relatives) and without powers of attorney from the parents. This may raise issues with EU authorities (medical, legal, other). In this regard we request decisionmakers in EU countries to provide clarifications/instructions to EU institutions in order to secure free movement of and assistance to such underaged persons and their guardians.

Ukraine has submitted its application against Russia to the ICJ. Ukraine filed a case against the Russian Federation at the International Court of Justice, and a request for the Court to issue an order of provisional measures against Russia. Ukraine seeks an emergency hearing and an order by the Court that Russia must cease its unlawful attack on Ukraine. Russia will have to answer for its behavior at the World Court in the Hague. The Court has jurisdiction to hear Ukraine’s case, and to order emergency measures, on the basis of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Russia must be held accountable for manipulating the notion of genocide to justify aggression. We request an urgent decision ordering Russia to cease military activity now and expect trials to start next week.


An architectural landmark in Chernihiv, a one of the few historical buildings from 1930s, has been demolished by Russia’s missile attack.

About 25 painting by Ukrainian artist Mariia Prymachenko have been lost in the fire resulted from the aggressor’s attacks.


On 24 February 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved President’s decision to impose the martial law on the entire territory of Ukraine for a period of 30 days with the aim to ensure Ukraine’s defence, public safety and national interests.

Due to this, some constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms may be temporarily restricted (Articles 30-34, 38, 39, 41-44, 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine: inviolability of the place of dwelling, privacy of correspondence, interference in personal life, freedom of movement, freedom of thought and speech, freedom of views and beliefs, elections, peaceful assemblies, right to property, right to entrepreneurial activity, right for labor activity, right to strike, right to education). The temporary restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities will also be imposed.

Regional, Kyiv city state administrations and local self-government bodies must establish defence councils and provide assistance to the military command in introducing and implementing measures of the martial law.

A curfew was introduced in a number of Ukrainian cities including Kyiv.


Ukraine has terminated diplomatic relations with Russia.

We call our partners to follow our example and to expel Russia’s ambassadors immediately. We deem it unacceptable to maintain diplomatic relations with the aggressor state, which openly attacks neighboring country without any reason. The international organizations must consider banning Russia’s membership for blatant violations of international law.

On 25 February 2022 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has adopted the decision to suspend the Russia`s rights of representation in the Committee of Ministers and in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 42 delegations voted “in favour”, 2 “against”, 1 “abstained”, 1 “not voting”, and 1 delegation absent. It is the first decision of an international organization adopted as a result of the Russian Federation’s armed aggression against Ukraine. It has become the de-facto recognition by the European political circles of their mistake to allow the Russian delegation back to the PACE in June 2019.

Russia vetoed the UN Security Council draft resolution demanding troop withdrawal from Ukraine, cosponsored by 81 UN Member States. At the same time Russia was not supported by a single member of the Security Council. 11 of the 15 members of the UNSC voted in favour while India, China and the United Arab Emirates abstained from the vote.

On 27 February the UN Security Council on request of USA and Albania has adopted resolution under the special procedure “Uniting for peace” requesting emergency special session of the General Assembly to consider Russian invasion to Ukraine. The vote once again demonstrated isolation of Russia in the Council. At the same time, since it was procedural vote Russia was unable to veto the resolution. The UN General Assembly meeting is scheduled for 28 February.

We call on all states to support the draft resolution to stop Russian invasion, which is to be adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

UN Secretary-General announced the appointment of Amin Awad as UN Crisis Coordinator for Ukraine. Mr. Awad will lead the coordination of all UN efforts, including its humanitarian response.

The world supports Ukraine. The international coalition in defense of Ukraine and peace continues to grow. As of now, there are 73 countries and 9 international organizations.

We count upon the proper reaction by the international community. We are grateful to our partners, who have provided and continue to provide additional support in a variety of ways:

  • for the decision of Turkey to block the access of Russian warships to the Black Sea,
  • for introducing the ban on Russian air vessels in the airspace (EU, UK, Canada, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Norway)
  • for arms, military equipment and ammunitions sent over to us by our partners,
  • for the humanitarian support and refugee camps provided for the citizens of Ukraine,
  • for fuel supplies (Azerbaijan’s SOCAR).

Russian population is protesting against Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine. Thousands of Russian citizens in more than 50 Russian cities have already been detained for participating in peaceful protests.


Ukrainian people are dying for the freedom of Ukraine and Europe. We have been waiting at the open door for a long time. We asked about NATO membership – and heard no answer.

We now need international legal guarantees of security, a clear European perspective, coupled with the swift and effective actions. The President of Ukraine on 28 February in his video address requested EU membership for Ukraine within new urgent procedure.

We urge the international community to show solidarity with Ukraine by:

  • the immediate imposing of the massive (severe) coordinated sanctions against Russia.
  • Russia`s isolation and exclusion from all possible international fora.
  • the introduction of a full-flagged trade embargo on Russia including in gas sector.
  • further closure of airspace for Russian aircrafts and ports for Russian vessels.
  • supporting Ukraine with weapons, protective equipment, ammunition, fuel, and whatever else necessary to counter the biggest army in the continent.
  • providing Ukraine with financial support.

We appreciate the sanctions imposed by our partners in the world, especially the strongest sanctions already imposed by the US, the UK and the EU, which will severely undermine Russia’s economic and financial capacities to continue its aggression.

We expect the world to immediately strengthen the sanctions further in order to stop Russia.

Full cutting Russian Federation off the SWIFT still remains an effective counter-action to be implemented. We call on our partners to adopt appropriate decision immediately.

We also call to cut off Visa and Mastercard services in Russia.

We call on the international organizations to provide us with humanitarian assistance and to register all cases of violation of the provisions of international and international humanitarian law.

We hope the wide Ukrainian community abroad would join the Government of Ukraine in delivering the truth on Russia’s war in Europe.

Any war inevitably ends with negotiations. Ukraine heard the negotiating position outlined in Moscow. They know our view on the negotiating format and our negotiating position. Therefore, their comments that we allegedly refused to negotiate are just part of their tactics. They are trying to drive negotiations into a dead end before they even begin.

It is clear that a different approach is needed. Negotiations must be based on common sense and be such that a fair solution can be worked out in the interests of the people and the national statehood of Ukraine. President Zelenskyy categorically rejects any unacceptable conditions and ultimatums for Ukraine. Only full-fledged negotiations.

Every opportunity should be used to end the war. The key issues on the table are a ceasefire and troops and weapons pullback from Ukraine’s territory. The negotiation team led by David Arakhamia (O.Reznikov, M.Podoliak, M.Tochytsky, A.Kostin, R.Umerov) sent by President Zelenskyy to meet the Russian conterparts, has arrived at the point of contact at the Ukrainian border with Belarus.

Notwithstanding the Mr.Lukashenko’s assurances about no missiles from the territory of Belarus during the logistics and negotiation time, the missiles kept coming to our territory whilst the negotiation team was travelling to the point of contact.

The situation keeps changing very fast. We will keep you informed.

Sourse: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine