‘I believe that the Pope will not lack courage to tell the truth in his conversation with Putin,’ a UGCC bishop states

KNA (Katholische Nachrichtagentur) media inquired about the expectations of the UGCC of Pope Francis’ meeting with Vladimir Putin that which is to happen this day.
Bishop Bogdan (Dziurakh), Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, said: “Many people in the world have recognized Pope Francis as a defender of the oppressed and persecuted. Therefore,I am sure he will consider this meeting with Mr. Putin as an opportunity in order to take the side of the victims and to be their voice, or maybe rather the voice of God before his collocutor.
Media report that Putin was willing to speak with the Pope about the fate of persecuted Christians in the Middle East. This is definitely a positive desire. However, one might ask, how honest and transparent this desire is? For it is inconceivable that instead of avoiding conflicts and resolving them peacefully, politicians took advantage ofthe suffering of many innocent people for their political purposes. In my opinion, political hypocrisy is the desire to present oneself as a defender of Christians in the Middle East, and at the same time be involved - directly or indirectly –in the murder of Christians in the neighboring country and support it because of the constant supply of weapons and thousands of soldiers and mercenaries.
Hence,I strongly hope that thejustifiedconcern for the persecuted Christians in the Middle East, which we fully share, will not be used to conceal crimes against the sovereign Ukrainian state orto divert the Pontiff’s attentionfrom the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine.
This reminds me of the biblical story, when prophet Nathan came to King David, and, talking about his crimes, first diplomatically told him the parable, and then, when the king was outraged at the frankly unfair behavior of the protagonist, openly told him: “You are that man!” (2 Sam 12, 1-13). Actually this is the biblical “daring” that is the “courage of truth”, which distinguished the prophets at all times. Therefore, I want to believe that the Holy Father knows very well who he will meet and talk to, and will not lack either diplomatic talent or prophetic courage.”