President V. Yanukovych Greets Ukrainians On Occasion of Cossacks' Day
The presidential address says that there has been since the ancient times a tradition in our land to consider the Holy Virgin to be the patron of the army and Cossacks. We are loyal to the tradition as well as to the Cossack spirit of courage and faithfulness to the Motherland.
"On the light Day of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, we celebrate the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks.
I sincerely greet everyone on occasion of the holiday.
Only the nations in whom the spirit of freedom lives are able to create a strong, civilized, internationally respected state. Cossacks have always been the embodiment of this spirit in the history of Ukraine. I am sure that for the modern Ukrainians, the image of the courageous, honest warrior, defender of the native land is also extremely important.
We will continue to promote preservation of the national traditions, bring up and harden the young people using the examples of the knightly feats and victories of the heroic ancestors.
I wish everyone health, peace and agreement in our Ukrainian land. Let the Holy Virgin keep Ukraine under her Protection,” reads the address of V. Yanukovych published by the presidential website.