RCC in Ukraine announced a fundraiser on September 29 to support the victims of heavy rains and floods

23 September, 12:00
RCC in Ukraine announced a fundraiser on September 29 to support the victims of heavy rains and floods - фото 1
The Conference of Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, in cooperation with the charitable organization Caritas-Spes Ukraine, announced a fundraiser on September 29 to support the victims of heavy rains and floods that have caused damage in several European countries.

This was stated in a communique of the Chairman of the Conference of Bishops, Bishop Vitaliy Skomarovsky of Lutsk, the press service of the RCC in Ukraine reports.

“Last weekend, the storm 'Borys' hit the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, causing heavy rains and floods. Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary suffered the greatest damage from the storm.

We, like no one else, understand the value of human life. We understand what it means to lose loved ones and how important fraternal assistance is in such a situation. During the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, many European countries came to our aid. They opened their hearts and homes, organizing humanitarian aid and providing temporarily displaced persons and victims in Ukraine with everything they needed: food, personal care products, clothing and medicines. We can say that they shared everything they had...

The Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, in solidarity with the Roman Catholic Church in the affected countries of Europe, does not stand aside in this disaster and joins in organizing material aid to the victims of the rains and floods. The Conference of Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine, in cooperation with the charitable organization Caritas-Spes Ukraine, announces a fundraiser on Sunday, September 29, 2024. Remembering all those who supported us in difficult times, we invite you to join this charity collection. Together we can do a good deed and help those who need it most. At the same time, let this be our special thanks to God for the year dedicated to the Archangel Michael, which we are ending on this very day,” the statement reads.