Father Mykhailo Dуmуd's Blog_image

Father Mykhailo Dуmуd's Blog

Archpriest. Father of the home Church. Dreaming of the Unity of Christ's Church. Professor of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. Contributor of the video channel "Christian or bandit?".

Red thread for happiness!

24.09.2020, 19:36
We are all looking for protection, some are wearing a red thread. Does she really help us? And is there an alternative to this powerful fashion? And what do Christians use as an amulet?

(On the computer - English subtitles!)


For those who are more interested in the topic, the full text of the video in Ukrainian is here: http://tps://dymyd.blogspot.com/2020/09/blog-post_24.html.

Tags: #Blogs