On May 28-30, in the Chersonese of Tavria National Reserve, the 14th international scholarly conference “Man in the World of Religious Ideas” was held.
On May 28-30, in the Chersonese of Tavria National Reserve, the 14th international scholarly conference “Man in the World of Religious Ideas” was held. According to our RISU correspondent Oleh Savchenko, over the course of three days the scholars from various countries shared their experience and modern research results in religious studies and got acquainted with the historic monuments of the town.
The conference gathers scholars, historians, and religious studies experts. The tradition was established in Chersonese in 1999 as the result of the aspirations of the scholars of Ukraine and Poland to join efforts in the development of pressing scholarly themes.
According to one of its initiators and participants, Professor at Jagiellonian University Henrik Hoffman, the forum was succesful.
“First of all, it is important that we, religious studies experts, can meet with archeologists. It is not often that representatives of different disciplines can work together,” he said.
The geography of the participants of the forum is expanding. This year, 50 scholars from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic and other countries participated in it.
On May 30, the fifth volume of scholarly works Sacrum et Profanum was presented. It included the reports made at the previous forum held here in 2010.