Request of Metropolitan Volodymyr for Bringing the Icon of Theotokos of Bethlehem to Kyiv Granted
KYIV-- According to the web site of UOC-MP, Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem Replied to Request of the Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP), Metropolitan Volodymyr for Bringing the Icon of Theotokos of Bethlehem to Kyiv. RISU's Ukrainian-language web site posted this story on 23 February.
The official letter by Patriarch Theophilus III of Jerusalem came to the address of Metropolitan Volodymyr, which goes: "...As a sign of appreciation of the good feelings of your heart towards the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Holy Synod adopted a decision on bringing to Kyiv the holy Icon of Theotokos of Bethlehem that will be accompanied by the rector of the Church of St. Jacob's Well Archimandrite Justine.”