Russian Church has no real arguments to anathematize Patriarch Bartholomew, - expert opinion

“This is for the first time that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow has said that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is a ‘schismatic’. Previously, the head of the Russian Orthodox church did not allow himself such harsh statements, and such attacks could only be demonstrated by anonymous Telegram channels or court church propagandists. All this fits into the logic of the Moscow Patriarchate's preparation for proclaiming anathema to the Ecumenical Patriarch as revenge for granting the Tomos to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, " Dmytro Horyevoy wrote in the "Point of View" section on Radio Liberty.
Dmytro Horyevoy also has explained the absurdity of such behavior in Moscow.
According to him, when accusing the Ecumenical Patriarch of schism, the following argument is most often given: “The one who concelebrated with a schismatic becomes a schismatic himself.”
“According to Moscow's logic, starting from January 6, 2019, he is a ‘schismatic’ because he concelebrated the liturgy with the head of the OCU, Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and all Ukraine. However, later, on June 23, 2019, Bartholomew also concelebrated with the head of the so-called "Orthodox Church of America" Metropolitan Tikhon. So-called, because its autocephaly is recognized by Moscow because it provided it itself, and Constantinople does not recognize this autocephaly, because it believes that only it has the authority to issue autocephaly.
Thus, according to the logic of Moscow, from that time Tikhon was also a ‘schismatic’ because he concelebrated with ‘schismatic’ Bartholomew. However, in December of the same year, Patriarch Kirill himself concelebrated with Metropolitan Tikhon. That is since December 7, 2019, Patriarch Kirill is also a ‘schismatic’. And since the Patriarch served with many of the episcopates of the Russian Orthodox Church, one can state with confidence that there are no more legitimate bishops in Russia!,” Dmytro Horyevoy emphasizes.
He concludes that such behavior of the Russian Orthodox Church demonstrates that Moscow's canonical position is weak and vulnerable, and can also hit the Russian Orthodox Church itself. The Russian Church has no real arguments against Ukrainian autocephaly and the actions of Patriarch Bartholomew. Because the position that they publicly announce does not stand up to any canonical criticism.
“The Patriarchate of Constantinople, before recognizing the UOC-KP and UAOC, restored its own jurisdiction over Ukrainian Orthodoxy – the Kyiv Metropolia, and only then, on the basis of canons 9 and 17 of the IV Ecumenical Council, which grant the exclusive right to the patriarch of Constantinople to be the highest Court of Appeal, rehabilitated those who did not have church communion,” the religious scholar concluded.
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky received credentials from apostolic nuncio Visvaldas Kulbokas.
This is reported by the website of the President of Ukraine.
In a conversation with Nuncio, Zelensky stressed that Ukraine appreciates the developing and deepening bilateral dialogue with the Holy See.
“We have a special relationship with the Holy See. We are grateful to the Pope for his constant support in his speeches, prayers, references to Ukraine and the difficult situation for people in the temporarily occupied territories. We appreciate it,” the President said.
Volodymyr Zelensky noted that the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Ukraine may be a particularly important event in the context of strengthening relations with the Holy See. The head of state reminded that this year Ukraine celebrated the 20th anniversary of the visit of Pope John Paul II, and we look forward to a new apostolic journey to our country.
The Apostolic Nuncio, for his part, thanked the president of Ukraine for the evacuation of 18 students and their families from Afghanistan.
During the meeting, Volodymyr Zelensky separately focused on the issue of beatification of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, which is so expected by the Ukrainian people.