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Synod of the OCU called on the whole world to support Ukraine and warned Russia: "whoever takes the sword will die by the sword."

19.04.2021, 10:35

On April 19, the Synod of the OCU issued an appeal regarding the largest accumulation of Russian troops near our borders since the beginning of Russia's undeclared war against Ukraine in 2014.

According to the OCU hierarchs, the first and obvious purpose of such a gathering is to intimidate Ukrainian society by the Kremlin, put pressure on our state and Ukraine's allies in the free world to achieve their own interests.

"We are not afraid! - our response to this latest aggressive intention of the Russian authorities. "We will lay down our soul and body for our freedom" is not just a sentence from the National Anthem of Ukraine. This belief is one of the key features of the Ukrainian political nation, nurtured since the time of the princely Kyian state, established in the liberation competitions of the Cossacks and the twentieth century. We do not need and do not go after things that belong to someone else. The Ukrainian people want to live in peace and harmony with everyone, first of all, with our historical neighbors. But we will not allow the imperial yoke that the Ukrainian people freed themselves from three decades ago to be thrown around our necks again!" the appeal says.

OCU bishops warn the aggressor: "your criminal intentions are known to God, you will not succeed... The weapon that you are lawlessly directing against us, the sword that you have raised against Ukraine – will turn into the wrath of God on your heads! For it is said, "all who take up the sword will perish by the sword" (Mt. 26: 52). Therefore, before the final punishment for your innocent blood has come upon you, stop, repent, make amends by ending the war and agreeing to a just peace."

The bishops of the OCU also warn Russian military personnel, all official and secret mercenaries of the Kremlin: "do not participate in the crimes of your superiors. Pay attention to the words of Scripture: "do not be deceived: God is never despised. What a man sows, he will reap." (Galatians 6: 7). And he who sows the wind will reap the storm (See above). Os 8: 7). This also applies to those who are waiting for "Putin's arrival" in Ukraine. Let the fate of Judas Iscariot be a warning to you – do not take the path of betrayal and service to the enemy.

The OCU urges believers and people of Good Will to continue their prayer for a just peace for Ukraine: "Dear brothers and sisters! Let us pray in the days of trials and ask the Lord for protection for Ukraine during church services and in the home prayer."

The bishops of the OCU expressed gratitude to all Ukraine's allies, the countries of the free world, who unanimously confirm their support for Ukraine in these difficult circumstances and call on the Russian authorities to stop the escalation of aggression and remind the world:

"Freedom and peace for Ukraine mean peace and security for Europe and the world. And this is the cornerstone for a better future for Russia itself when sooner or later it will realize the perniciousness of the now-chosen authoritarian path of restoring the "evil empire".

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