The UGCC for the first time honored the Remembrance Day of Aborted Children

KYIV – On February 27, 2010, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) honored the Remembrance Day of Aborted Children. According to the Information Department of the UGCC, this event was conducted as part of the Program of Counteracting Abortions in Ukraine, ratified at the forty-sixth session of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric of the UGCC, which was conducted on September 13-14, 2009.
“Our Church cherishes different initiatives, in particular, in the question of defence of life from the moment of conception. A good example of the results of the activity in this field is the synod’s acceptance of the Program of Counteracting Abortions in Ukraine. Is it the event which testifies to the nearing of a new stage of implementing the mission of service for life,” tells Mr. Stephan Dmytryshyn, the head of the Commission of UGCC on Pastoral Health Care.
According to Mr. Dmytryshyn, the program does not have a time frame. It can be complemented and changed, the real needs in the process of its implementation will be considered. The program outlines a few spheres of activity. First of all, a prayer service for life, which will include different events and practices which will help the faithful accept life as God’s gift and will come forward in its defence. Besides, the program foresees the conduction informational-enlightenment activity and granting practical help from spiritual and psychological to social and moral.
“Throughout its entire existence the Church constantly came forward in the defence of life from the moment of conception to natural death. It is the servant of this mission, not the author. The author is God, who through the commandment “you shall not to kill!” forbade the deprivation of a life of a human who is His image and likeness. Therefore, it becomes obvious that the Church itself cannot change this question nor give up this mission,” concluded the head of the Commission on Pastoral Health Care.