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Mariana Karapinka blog

Ukraine’s anxious anniversary

25.08.2011, 15:50
Ukraine’s anxious anniversary - фото 1
This year observing media and actual fights over Independence Day I was trying to look beyond all divisions and trying to imagine celebrations in 50 years from now.


Ukraine’s celebrating 20 years of being an independent state. Now much really if we compare to US or European states. But it’s the longest independence since Kyiv Pus times granted to Ukraine – without interventions or fragile armistices, civil wars or so. This is unique experience for the nation and it’s going through the painful stage of trial and error to learn the lesson of its independence.

20 years means that our independence is recent history – every Ukrainian older 30 has his/her own story of independence. This is great - to understand that you were the eyewitness of the events written in the manuals. These stories are colorful, emotional, touching, somewhat controversial but real. Yesterday tensions during celebrations are the best illustration of that different stories and perceptions of independence.   

This year observing media and actual fights over Independence Day I was trying to look beyond all divisions and trying to imagine celebrations in 50 years from now.

I envy Americans because for them independence is not “recent history” but a tradition they were born in. Blessed are those who have not seen Ukraine getting independence and yet have believed because they will evaluate independence not through the glasses of politics but history. They won’t see the founding fathers making mistakes which negate their glorious deeds at the dawn of independence but will perceive them as national heroes (dead and glorified). They will be able to trust that independence is going to last forever because they haven’t seen big country collapse and social political and economical turbulence at the beginnings of Ukrainian state. They will not fight over politics while celebrating Ukraine’s glorious independence. Independence Day will unite not separate. Independence will be the value per se and not the object of political manipulation. They will celebrate it and not fight over it. They can start next year. We can start next year. 

(Photo from