Russian aggressors damaged the UOC-MP Cathedral in Zaporizhzhia, where people continue to pray for the Patriarch of Moscow

This was reported by the rector of the cathedral, Fr. Konstiantyn Kostiukevych. He has already started collecting donations on his Facebook page, though he did not specify whose attack caused the damage.

“In this very cathedral, the local ruling Metropolitan Luka (Kovalenko) commemorates (in the third year of the full-scale war!) the Moscow 'patriarch of unbelief', Kirill Gundyaev,” notes Dr. Serhii Shumylo, historian, religious scholar and researcher of Athos heritage. “Metropolitan Luka is one of the hierarchs of the UOC (MP) who, at the Arch. Council in Feofaniya in May 2022, adamantly opposed the final separation of the UOC from the Moscow Patriarchate, the decisions to condemn Gundyaev's statements and the anti-Christian ideology of the “Russian world” propagated by him, and then repeatedly boasted that he remained in unity with the Moscow Patriarch ...”

Serhii Shumylo notes that “loyalty to Moscow and prayers for this scoundrel and heretic as ‘our great gaspadin and otetz’ (our lord and father - ed.) do not save us from the missiles blessed by Gundyaev. Said missiles do not discriminate between the awaiting supporters of the “russian world” and ordinary Ukrainians... Such is the price of loyalty to Moscow(( The tragedy that happened today in Zaporizhzhia is like God's punishment for “foolish sons who still walk under the shadow of Egypt and hope in the power of Pharaoh.” Will this tragic incident make Gundyaev's supporters in Zaporizhzhia and across Ukraine come to their senses? Will it finally encourage them to repent and take the side of their own people and state? Something tells me it is unlikely... ((( After all, in this war, everyone made their choice on February 24, 22.”
He also recalled that in 2022, when the priests of the UOC-MP (the so-called “signatories”) sought a decision from Metropolitan Onufriy to completely withdraw the UOC from the ROC-MP, Metropolitan Luke called them “Judas” and vehemently cursed them.
“I wonder whether he will say the same thing about Kirill Gundyaev and 'bunker rat' Putin now, after the destruction of his cathedral,” Shumylo wrote on Facebook. “Will he finally start condemning the crimes of the Putin regime and the occupying Russian army, which kills thousands of Ukrainian civilians every day? Or will he continue to try to discredit the Ukrainian state on various international platforms, playing along with the Kremlin's propaganda and keeping silent about the terrible crimes of the Russian occupiers he doesn't dare to call criminals? I sincerely wish Metropolitan Luke to finally repent and realize the error of his chosen path, for he has taken the side of evil... After all, as the Bible says, “the protection of Pharaoh shall turn to your shame, and the shelter in the shadow of Egypt to your humiliation” (Isaiah 30: 3-3).”