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Ukrainian Greek Catholics Pray For Recovery of Metropolitan Volodymyr

07.11.2011, 11:48

Ukrainian Greek Catholic Head, patriarch Sviatoslav said that Greek Catholics pray for the recovery of the head of UOC-Moscow Patriarchate and called him a model Christian Ukrainian.

“At this time, we pray for the sick Metropolitan Volodymyr. On one hand, we are asking for his recovery and, on the other hand, for his strength to endure these pains and suffering.  Let us remember that the Lord is not only the Saviour but also the Healer. We trust that God’s mercy and care envelop our brother in Christ at this time,” said the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Sviatoslav with regard to the illness of the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Volodymyr.

According to the Information Department of UGCC, the hierarch called Metropolitan Volodymyr a model of a true Christian Ukrainian. The head of UGCC mentioned his meeting with Metropolitan Volodymyr last August and said that during the meeting, the metropolitan stressed “the importance of maintaining good relations between the two Churches (UGCC and UOC) and necessity to develop constructive cooperation for the good of the Ukrainian nation where possible.”

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