VIII Ecumenical Social Week starts in Lviv

On September 29,the press conference on the occasion of the opening of VIII Ecumenical Social Week entitled “Education for Change: Spirituality and innovation" was held at a small session hall of Lviv City Council.
During the meeting, the social program was presented and discussed. It was introduced by Forum coordinator Irina Kitura.
President of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies. Rev. Dr. Ivan Dacko noted the importance of the event. “The Ecumenical Week has been held for eight consecutive years and has become a brand in the city of Lviv. This year, we are talking about education in the context of formation of “a new European man.” Politically we want to enter the European Union, but with what values? By means of formation, science, education, spiritual guidance, innovation, innovation and reform we have to become more European people.” Rev. Dr. Ivan Dacko stressed. Also, Fr, Ivan noted the spiritual component: “In a world where there are thousands of universities, it is important that the training should bring not only knowledge, but also contributed to the spiritual and intellectual formation of young people.”
“Throughout the 8th ESW we will have an opportunity to discuss and reflect on solving extremely important present-day issues. We know to what extent the high-quality education is important, and how it affects our lives. The development of our country depends on education. Therefore it is impossible to avoid talking about innovations in education, development, education and training of children. Innovation is necessary, if we do not talk about the spiritual, moral and ethical side, it would lose its relevance,” claims Zoryana Dovhanyk, head of the education department of Lviv City Council.
Volodymyr Zalutsky, head of youth policy and social development of Lviv Polytechnic stressed the importance not only of education, but also of implanting moral values in technical institutions “Modern universities must prepare not only the professionals or experts in a specific single discipline, but also a human.” Natalia Siredzhuk, Acting head of social development projects and of "Dzherelo" Education and Rehabilitation Center, focused on inclusive education. “The level of development of a society is measured by the extent that people are capable to take care of their neighbors, who have special needs. The level of our openness and accessibility measures to what extent we are European. For if we are to build up the new education system without considering the needs of everyone, then we will have to rebuild it again.”
VIII Ecumenical Social Week themed "Education for Change: Spirituality and innovations" is to take place from September 30 to October 3. The event will include an academic conference on the issue of education, round tables on inclusive and theological education, book presentations, exhibition-fair of social organizations, a ceremony of awarding the winners of IV Ukrainian competition “Reporters of Hope in Ukraine,” a charity concert “ROCK-H and Friends children" Sources” and other events.