Celebrating World Hijab Day in Kyiv (photo gallery)

02.02.2021, 12:38
Other confessions
Celebrating World Hijab Day in Kyiv (photo gallery) - фото 1
On February 1, the world celebrated World Hijab Day, one of the goals of which is to support the right of women to wear the hijab. This holiday began to be celebrated in 2013. Hijab Day events are held annually in 140 countries around the world to support women of all religions who wear headscarves. Ukraine, including the annexed Crimea, is no exception, and Hijab Day was also celebrated here.

A Muslim woman named Nazmi Khan came up with the idea of the holiday. Her family moved from Bangladesh to America, where they did not give up their religious beliefs.

A girl in a hijab had to endure misunderstandings from society. So she decided to talk about the history, traditions and proper wearing of the hijab. Later, she suggested creating a holiday in honor of the hijab in order to overcome negative stereotypes about Islam.

According to religious rules, Muslim women are required to wear these clothes. The hijab usually consists of two parts. Bonet or amirka is a headdress that helps keep your hair in a pile. Externally, you wear a scarf. First, it is fixed under the chin. And then they wrap it around the head and fix it like this. The face remains open.

In the city center of Kyiv, Muslim women in hijabs with bouquets of flowers in the middle of the day distributed flowers to passers-by girls. So they drew attention to the World Hijab Day.

The meeting was organized by the All-Ukrainian Association of Muslim women, whose activists take part in the action. The organization also noted that such events were held not only in Kyiv.

Radio Svoboda (Liberty) has prepared a set of photos dedicated to the World's Hijab Day.

«Сьогодні 1 лютого увесь світ відзначає день хіджабу, і в цей день мусульманки вирішили порадувати українських жінок і показати, що ми мусульманки нікому не бажаємо зла, ми хочемо добра, ми хочемо підняти їм настрій і подарувати квіти» – розповіла одна з учасниць акції у Києві

2. Today, on February 1, the whole world celebrates the Hijab Day, and on this day Muslim women decided to please Ukrainian women and show that we Muslim women do not wish harm to anyone, we want good, we want to cheer them up and give them flowers," said one of the participants of the action in Kyiv.

Зимовий Київ наповнився кольорами і усмішками

3. Winter Kyiv is filled with flowers and smiles.

Хіджаб – жіночий одяг, який відповідає нормам шаріату, повинен закривати тіло і волосся жінки  

4. Hijab is the women's clothing that complies with Sharia law should cover a woman's body and hair.

Непокритими залишають обличчя, кисті рук і ноги нижче щиколоток

5. You can leave your face, hands, and feet below your ankles uncovered.

Усмішка з-під маски – також усмішка

6. A smile from under the mask is still a smile.

Багато хто називає хіджаб паранджею. Але це не більше, ніж поширена помилка. Паранджею слід називати той убір, який надягають в Саудівській Аравії – він чорного кольору і закриває все обличчя, залишаючи відкритими тільки очі

7. Many people call the hijab a burqa. But this is nothing more than a common misconception. The burqa should be called the headdress that is worn in Saudi Arabia – it is black in color and covers the entire face, leaving only the eyes open.

Червоні троянди люблять жінки в хіджабі і без

8. Red roses are loved by women in and without hijabs.

У Києві в понеділок, 1 лютого, йшов сніг. Температура повітря вдень становила -4...-6 °С. Але усмішки перемогли холод  

9. On Monday, February 1, it was snowing in Kyiv. The daytime air temperature was -4...-6 °C. But the smiles overcame the cold.

В Україні іслам сповідує близько 1% населення (1–3 мільонів осіб станом на 2017 рік), більшість мусульман проживає у східних областях і в Криму

10. In Ukraine, Islam is practiced by about 1% of the population (1-3 million people as of 2017), the majority of Muslims live in the eastern regions and in the Crimea.

Феміністки, котрі підтримують добровільне носіння хіджабу, найчастіше трактують це як знак розмаїття і вияв ідентичности

11. Feminists who support the voluntary wearing of the hijab most often interpret it as a sign of diversity and identity.