God is with us! Understand this, nations, and obey! Glorify Him!

This year, we ought to celebrate Christmas with special joy, as we’ve got rid of the inaccurate calendar and celebrate the birth of the Savior with the whole world. This joy, however, is overshadowed by the war that has been killing Ukrainians for ten years. Yet, Christmas is the light of hope for salvation, the road to the victory of life over death, and we must keep hope for our Victory over the enemy and the reconstruction of our country.
Today, we offer up most of our prayers for the health and fortitude of those protecting and supporting Ukraine! May the Lord bless us all in the coming year with peace after the just Victory over the forces of evil and give us an understanding of how to build our home!
God is with us! Understand this, nations, and obey! Glorify Him!
Sincerely yours,
RISU Team.