Leaders of Odessa Christian Denominations called on authorities to prevent gay-parade in the city

Leaders of Christian Churches of Odessa sharply reacted to the LGBT gay parade planned on August 15 in Odessa. The appeal to Odessa authorities not to allow the conduct of the announced event to preserve peace among residents and visitors was signed for the first time by the representatives of UOC (MP), UOC-KP, RCC, UGCC and many Protestant denominations.
The appeal was submitted to Odessa mayor Trukhanov. Copies weresent to Odessa Governor Mikheil Saakashvili, Head of the SBU Hrytsak, Head of MoI in Odessa region Lordkipanidze.
Due to the fact that Odessa administration gave permission for the gay parade planned within the schedule of Odessa Pride 2015festival on August 14-16, we, the leaders and representatives of Christian Churches of Odessa, deem it our duty to respond and express a clear positionshared by all the churches of the city on this issue.
As advocates of traditional family values, the meaning of which lies in the union solely between a man and a woman, prescribed in the Book of Life - the Bible, we strongly believe that:
- Such events blur the clear distinction established by God, undermining the foundation of the family and marriage and destroying the biblical family institution. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27);
- A society that accepts homosexuality is doomed to extinction;
- Homosexuality kills true love and gives rise to hatred;
- It leads to inevitable degradation of an individual;
- It is the reason for many, including incurable diseases;
- Homosexuality is a sin. “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination.(Leviticus 18:22).
In connection with the above thesis, we believe the conduct of this action to be inappropriate, contrary to common sense and defaming the reputation of our city.
In addition, we want to remind you that such events caused outrage and protestsin other cities of Ukraine, and led to the manifestation of violence.
We understand that the views of the LGBT community are their personal choice. However, promoting and imposing antibiblical and antitraditional views is unacceptable and leads to the destruction of our society.
So, being aware of the harm of the promoted LGBT lifestyle, the majority of the Councils of Christian Churches in the regions of Ukraine have adopted an appeal calling to ban this propaganda among minors.
Accordingly, we turn to you with the request to prevent the conduct of the announced event in Odessa for the sake of peace among the citizens and guests of our city.
In turn, we pray for the salvation of these people so that the light of Divine Truth enlightens their minds.
May the Lord send you courage and prudence at your post of mayor, so as this and similar events,destroying the fundamental values of society, family and marriage, had no place in Odessa.