OCU Primate Epifaniy is invited to visit Mount Athos

25.05.2021, 18:11
OCU Primate Epifaniy is invited to visit Mount Athos - фото 1
Hegumens of the Athos monasteries Xenophon and Pantokrator congratulated the head of the OCU, Metropolitan Epifaniy, on his name day and invited him to visit the Holy Mountain for joint prayer.

The video with congratulations and invitations was published on his Facebook page by the spokesman of the OCU, Archbishop Yevstratiy Zorya, Religiyna Pravda reports.

Abbot of the Athos monastery Xenophon Archimandrite Alexey in his greeting said:

"Welcome to our monastery. We are very happy to welcome you. You are a Church that has a long history, although you have only just received autocephaly. It is a gift from God that Ukraine has also become a canonical Church.

We are glad that we attended the enthronement of His Beatitude and took part in the Divine Liturgy. We constantly pray that peace will come to the Church of Ukraine, that love will reign and that there will be a real Orthodox spirit that should characterize all of us.

On this day of His Beatitude's namesake, we especially pray for his health and longevity, so that he may have a Holy Spirit who will guide the church with Divine Light.

Many years, Your Beatitude, with God's help, with the hope and grace of the Holy Spirit, whose descent we will soon celebrate on the Day of Pentecost. Be strong. We ask for your blessing. Many years!"

Abbot of the Athos monastery Pantokrator Archimandrite Gabriel noted:

"Your Beatitude, we wish you many blessed years. May the Most Holy Mother of God give you the strength and enlightenment to lead the Holy Church of Kyiv, which Christ entrusted to you. We learn about your achievements, the achievements of your church and are very happy.

Here, on Mount Athos, we love you very much, always remember and pray for you. We are waiting for you, come and meet you in person to co-serve and enjoy together. Many years!".