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Participants of Interreligious Roundtable Support Optional Religious Education Classes

23.05.2012, 10:23
Participants of Interreligious Roundtable Support Optional Religious Education Classes - фото 1
On 22 May, as part of the International Family Week, upon an initiative of the Association of Large Families of Sevastopol, a unique round table was held with the participation of Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants and Muslims.

23.05.20121.jpgOn May 22, as part of the International Family Week, upon an initiative of the Association of Large Families of Sevastopol, a unique roundtable was held with the participation of Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants and Muslims. According to our RISU correspondent, Oleh Savchenko, representatives of various denominations rarely gathered at one table in Sevastopol.

The main issues discussed was the question of the role of the church in the formation of a successful family as a cell of the society and God-blessed union. This included such important questions as religious education in school, the problem of abortions, prevention of conflicts in the families of representatives of two different religions. During the discussion of most of the questions, the participants showed like-mindedness. In particular, regarding the introduction in the school program of religious education, the representatives of various churches and religions expressed an opinion that it should be carried out only on a voluntary optional basis and that each religion is to address specifically children of its adherents and avoid imposing of a certain worldview on children of adherents of other religions.

The Senior Priest of the Roman Catholic community of St. Clement Fr. Yurii Zymynskyi gave an example of Poland where the study of the basics of the Christian religion was introduced as an obligatory subject. According to the priest, it provoked protest of some young people and, as the result, rejection of the taught truth. Therefore, the best approach for Ukraine should be optional classes.

As for the introduction of ethics in the school program, the senior priest of St. Volodymyr’s cathedral of UOC-MP in Sevastopol Fr. Oleksii Tupikov noted that the main task is to foster respect for one’s neighbor according to the Bible commandments.

Head of the Miunevver Muslim Community, Enver Resuliev and Pastor of an Evangelical Church God’s Horizon told the audience about their communities’ positive experience in organization of summer children camps where children could get acquainted with the basics of their religions while playing games, and so on.

All the representatives of denominations were unanimous with regard to the question of prohibition of abortions by law. They stressed that one should remember about possible social consequences of this step but that it does not by any means undermines the necessity of this law.

In the end of the roundtable, a joint resolution was passed and signed by all the participants calling the young families of the city to keep the love for each other and care for their God-given halves.