The head of UGCC congratulated Bishop Pavlo Khomnytsky on his anniversary

19 May, 11:58
The head of UGCC congratulated Bishop Pavlo Khomnytsky on his anniversary - фото 1
Patriarch of the UGCC Sviatoslav, personally and on behalf of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC, congratulated the Bishop of Stamford, Head of the Department of Maritime Apostolate of the UGCC, Pavlo Khomnytsky, on the occasion of his 70th anniversary.

This was reported by the Information Department of the UGCC.

"Throughout the decades," writes the Head of the UGCC, "you have set an example of a good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep (cf. John 10:11)."

"For thousands of faithful of our Church, who, in search of a better fate, and since the beginning of the war with the Russian aggressor - in search of security, found themselves in the territory of the Stamford Eparchy, you have become a caring father, a zealous preacher of Christ's truth, a defender of their rights and freedoms," noted the Patriarch.

"We cannot overlook your active participation in the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC activities and your service in the Department of Maritime Apostolate," he added.

"Asking the merciful Lord to reward you a hundredfold for these efforts, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and express recognition and praise to you. We wish you abundant blessings of God and the assistance of the Holy Spirit in all your endeavors for the glory of God and for the good of our Church and people - for many years to come!" wished His Beatitude, Sviatoslav.