UGCC Head prayed onto the wonderworking Máriapóc’s Icon of Our Lady in Hungary

On August 15, Patriarch Sviatoslav took part in a pilgrimage to the Marian pilgrimage center of the Hungarian Greek Catholics in the town of Máriapócs (Hungary).
The pilgrimage was held to mark the 300th anniversary of the glorification of Máriapócs Wonderworking Icon of Our Lady. As you know, in the village of Máriapócs, a copy of the original icon of the Mother of God wept again (1, 2 and 5August, 1715). The wonderful origin of this phenomenon was certifiedby the conclusions of the Special Apostolic Commission. Since then, a small village in the east of Hungary has been the center of pilgrimage for faithful from neighboring countries.
The Patriarch greeted the pilgrims and conveyed greetings from the faithful of Ukraine: “I came to this place from the miraculous city of Kyiv to pray for peace in Europe, Hungary and for thecessation of the war in Ukraine.”
In his speech he stressed that Ukrainians are fighting and dying for freedom and independence of their homeland and need prayers and support ofHungarian believers. The Church Primate also congratulated the Hungarian Greek Catholics on the proclamation of Metropolis and the formation of a new diocese for the Eastern rite Catholics.
“I am sincerely grateful to Head of the Hungarian GCC Metropolitan Philip for offering pastoral care tothe Ukrainian Greek Catholics who reside in Hungary. In particular, I am gratefulthat you accepted our UGCC priest to perform his ministry in your Budapest congregation. I wish all pilgrims that the Lord God heard your prayers through the intercession of the Mother of God,” concluded the Patriarch. It was reported by the UGCC Information Department.