Ukrainians prayed for peace in Ukraine during the pilgrimage in Germany

05 October, 14:10
Ukraine and world
Ukrainians prayed for peace in Ukraine during the pilgrimage in Germany - фото 1
During a pilgrimage to the miraculous Black Madonna at St. Anne's Basilica in Altötting, Germany, a large Ukrainian community united in prayer for a just peace for Ukraine.

This was reported by the website of the Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia.

The pilgrimage was led by UGCC Bishop Bohdan (Dziurakh), Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainians of the Byzantine rite in Germany and Scandinavia.

During the sermon, the bishop addressed the pilgrims, emphasizing the deep faith and hope of the Ukrainian people, who are now experiencing new painful trials.

Ukrainians prayed for peace in Ukraine during the pilgrimage in Germany - фото 140995

Bishop Bohdan began the sermon by saying that the pain of the Ukrainian people is becoming more acute because of the new wounds caused by the war. He emphasized that the peace that Ukrainians pray for has not yet come.

“This peace is still being fought for daily by our defenders at the cost of great sacrifices, at the cost of their own lives,” the bishop said, recalling the self-sacrifice and courage of Ukrainian soldiers.

A special place in the sermon was occupied by prayer for Ukraine and all those who suffer from the consequences of the war: the wounded, prisoners, deportees, families of the dead and missing.

“The pilgrimage to Altötting brought together Ukrainians from different parts of Germany and from neighboring countries, uniting them in a common prayer for peace and healing for Ukraine,” the Exarchate representatives reported.

Ukrainians prayed for peace in Ukraine during the pilgrimage in Germany - фото 140993