US religious communities donate expensive medical equipment to Ukrainian military hospitals

Recently the shipment worthUSD 680,000 came to Dnipropetrovsk. Its delivery was organized by bishop of the Church "New Life" AnatoliyKalyuzhny. He went to the United States after Maidanand found religious organizations that were ready to help Ukrainians in a difficult time. Thus, he succeeded to find Project C.U.R.E. Its volunteers collectedthe valuable shipment of medical products. Before sending it to Ukraine they determined where the equipment would go.
“We visited hospitals in Kyiv, Kharkiv, thenwe came to Dnepropetrovsk. When we saw your hospital and your problems, we realized that this is the place where to bring help in the first place,”AnatoliyKalyuzhnyysaid.
Americans donated medical equipment to Dnipropetrovsk Regional Hospital and Dnipropetrovsk Mechnikov Military Hospital. From the onset of military operations in the east more than 1,600 seriously wounded soldiers have been sent to the regional hospital. Therefore the operating tables, X-ray and ultrasonic devices were delivered here. Most of the devices aresecond-handbut not older than 5 years. All equipment was tested before its sending to Ukraine, volunteers say. In Mechnikov Hospital they are sure that everything is working properly. The equipment will serve for urgent surgery. It will be also provided to the surgery, neurosurgery, traumatology and ENT departments. The Deputy Chief of MechnikovClinical Hospital KaterynaDuhovenko says that Dnipropetrovsk doctors were involved in the formation of the order.
“This was really done according to our order. A lot of medical instruments, what is important. There are Pulse Oximeters, kits for surgeries, ophthalmologic surgery sets, operating tables, lamps,” the doctor says.
This massive collection was organized by two Ukrainian expats who now live in the US - Vitaly Dubil and Paul Fedorenko. Co-organizer of help from the NGO Project CURE and the project Support Ukraine for Hospitals becamea faithful of one of the US Protestant Churches, volunteer Jinny Martin. She said that 942 articles of medical equipment and materials were delivered to Dnepropetrovsk. Thanks to the cooperation at the highest levels they managed to pass customs clearance as soon as possible - within 5 hours. The volunteers allocated 80 percent ofaid to Mechnikov Regional Hospital, the rest was transferred to the military hospital. The money for the purchase of goods was donated by NGOs and ordinary Americans.
We love Ukraine and Ukrainians and want to do our best support you in this difficult time. Many ordinary people joined. They donated from 25 dollars to 50 thousand dollars, and it is due to them that we were able to implement our mission,” said Jinny Martin.
In Dnepropetrovsk, American volunteers also met with doctors of the Burn Center. After the talks they defined – the next container of medical equipment will be delivered to the same place at the end of this year. This was reported by Sofia Bogutska.