Zelensky supports the Istanbul Convention to which Ukrainian Churches oppose

10.06.2020, 12:38
AUCCRO and Zelensky - фото 1
AUCCRO and Zelensky
President Volodymyr Zelensky has responded to the e-petition and supported the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence).

This is reported by Ukrayinska Pravda.

Zelensky will appeal to the Parliament to ratify this Convention. However, he will do this after he receives proposals from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding this bill.

"The President will submit a draft law on ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence to the Verkhovna Rada as a legislative initiative after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submits electronic proposals per the established procedure."

As RISU has already reported, Representatives of the AUCCRO believe that the ratification of the Istanbul Convention carries serious risks for Ukrainian society and the family, since the definition of “gender” is also an issue along with the combat against domestic violence.

The members of the Council of Churches agree that the Ukrainian state should take adequate measures to counteract domestic violence. However, this should not be harmful to the moral foundations of Ukrainian society, should not distort the understanding of children and young people of a full-fledged family, conceived by God as a union of a man and a woman that meets the nature of man.

The comments of religious leaders to the Istanbul Convention are that this document distorts the understanding of the concept of “gender” for the first time at the international level. Now "gender” is proposed not to stand for sexes – female and male, but for “socially assigned roles, behavior, activities and characteristics that a certain society considers appropriate for women and men."