Activist of the UOC-MP Victoria Kokhanovska received a notice of suspicion from the SBU

According to the SBU, they have collected evidence against another pro-Russian propagandist who publicly denied Russia's armed aggression and incited religious hatred.
The suspect actively participated in provocations on the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra at the end of March and the beginning of April 2023.
During that time, she conducted her own live streams on social media platforms, where she incited people to resist the lawful actions of law enforcement and insulted the religious feelings of Ukrainians.
Furthermore, on her Facebook page, the suspect denied the facts of Russian armed aggression and referred to the war in Ukraine as an "internal civil conflict."
She also posted her own pseudo-predictions on social media about the "inevitability" of the capture of the entire territory of our country and attempted to discredit Ukrainian defenders.
Subsequently, Russian television channels and internet resources picked up the destructive content, presenting distorted information as the stance of the average citizens of Ukraine.
SBU-initiated linguistic expertise confirmed the suspect's subversive activities in favor of the aggressor country.
During a search at the suspect's place of residence in Kyiv, computer equipment that she used in her criminal activities was found.
Based on the gathered evidence, the Security Service investigators informed her of the suspicion under Part 2 of Article 436-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (production and distribution of materials containing denial of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine, expressed as an internal civil conflict).
Additionally, the issue of additional qualification of the suspect's criminal actions and the imposition of preventive measures is being considered.
The investigation is ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the crime. The suspect faces imprisonment with confiscation of property, as assured by the SBU.
Yesterday, on August 16th, Victoria Kokhanovska shared a video on her Facebook page showing representatives of the SBU coming to conduct a search.
Following the SBU's investigative actions, she anticipated that a precautionary measure would be determined for her during the court session today.
Previously, due to her confrontational conduct during the incidents at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra in the spring of 2023, Kokhanovska was apprehended by the police. The UOC-MP subsequently characterized this as an abduction.
As a result, Victoria Kokhanovska and three other supporters of the UOC-MP were placed under round-the-clock house arrest with an electronic bracelet for their hooligan actions on the territory of the National Preserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra."
At that time, she was also brought in for questioning by the SBU, where she took part as a witness. Victoria Kokhanovska issued threats of "cross processions" in retaliation for her removal from the Lavra and discussed the potential division of Ukraine.
In June, the court prolonged the duration of her house arrest.
Going back to November 2022, she denounced the chants of "bell sound going over Russia" at the Lavra as an "OCU provocation" and warned of legal consequences against an the OCU clergyman who had publicized these chants.