Head of the OCU: We share the pain of Holocaust victims

27.01.2022, 12:42
Head of the OCU: We share the pain of Holocaust victims - фото 1
On the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we share together with the global community the pain of the victims of this terrible tragedy of the last century, which did not bypass the Ukrainian lands.

Primate of the OCU Epifaniy wrote about it on his Facebook page.

"After the two Holodomors of 1921-1923 and 1932-1933, the Holocaust became the next act of genocide in time, which claimed the lives of more than one and a half million people: women, men, children…

It was not just a tragedy, it was a deliberate crime – against the Jewish people, the Roma, against peaceful people, against humanity, against life, against God. For it was the rejection of God, His Laws of love and mercy, that led to self-praise, self-love, and superiority over others. This is the reason for the emergence of Godless ideologies of Bolshevism, Nazism, and racism…

I pray that the All'Merciful Lord will grant people the wisdom to draw the right conclusions, learn the lessons of history and observe one of the greatest commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ - love for others," the first hierarch said.

On that day Ukraine and the world celebrated the International Day of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust.

This day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly resolution of November 1, 2005, co-authored by 100 States, in memory of the victims of Nazi terror during World War II.

Ukraine joined the celebration of this international date at the state level in 2012 (Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of July 5, 2011), although it was one of the six countries that initiated the adoption of the document.