Head of the UGCC thanked the chief executive of Renovabis for his fruitful work marked with authentic humane attitude toward the needy

His Beatitude Sviatoslav expressed his extreme gratitude to Rev. Christian Hartl for reaching out to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
The Head of the UGCC noted a fruitful work of Rev. Dr. Christian Hartl in Renovabis, marked with sacrifice, zeal and professionalism.
Dr. Thomas Schwartz became a new chief executive of Renovabis.
For the record, these days the 25th Renovabis International Congress “All Shall Be One. Ecumenism in Central and Eastern Europe – Task and Enrichment” is being held in Berlin. The UGCC is presented by bishop Bohdan Dziurakh, exarch for Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Germany and Scandinavian countries and Fr. Dr. Ihor Shaban, the head of the UGCC Commission on inter-confessional and interreligious relations.