Positive expectations of the new Serbian Patriarch's ministry have grounds, - Yevstratiy (Zorya)

18.02.2021, 18:43
Positive expectations of the new Serbian Patriarch's ministry have grounds, - Yevstratiy (Zorya) - фото 1
Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zorya) of Chernihiv and Nizhyn, Deputy Head of the Department for External Church Relations of the OCU, commented on the election of a new Patriarch of Serbia.

He expressed his opinion on Facebook.

"Judging by the biography of the elected Patriarch of Serbia Porfiry, he has a profound theological education received both in Serbia and in Greece, has a significant experience of monastic life and priest's ministry, educational and practical pastoral work.

The experience of peacemaking and recovery while serving in the diocese in Croatia and Slovenia, which required pastoral balance and sensitivity in religious and national matters, is also important.

All this gives grounds to express positive expectations from his service as the new Serbian Patriarch.

May the Lord, who called Porphyry to become the new Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, help him to carry a responsible and heavy cross with dignity!" the Archbishop of the OCU wishes.