The Head of the UGCC: Because of Russia's actions at the Zaporizhzhia NPP, Ukraine, Europe, and the world are on the brink of a new global nuclear disaster

These days the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant was cut off from Ukraine's grid due to fires around the plant. In this regard, Ukraine, Europe, and the world found themselves on the brink of a new global nuclear disaster.
According to him, the last day was once again full of the horrors of war: pain, tears, suffering, injuries, and deaths of many civilians. The enemy is trying tirelessly to attack our towns and villages in the Donetsk oblast, destroys entire regions wiping them off the face of the earth.
“But Ukraine stands. Ukraine is fighting. Ukraine is praying – His Beatitude Svyatsolav emphasizes. – And we thank God and the Ukrainian army for the fact that we are alive this morning, that we can see the light of day, pray and work for the good of the suffering Ukrainian people, the people of God who are suffering from the horrors of this war.”
The Primate continued his journey through the pages of the social teaching of our Church. On this day, he reflected on the moral rules of economic life of a person, family, society, state, and international economic relations. According to him, for Ukraine, the ability to endure and win also means the ability to keep a household properly.
The Head of the Church refers to the experience and knowledge of the righteous Andrey Sheptytsky, who himself was a wise householder. “Despite the stay of our people in foreign countries, the metropolitan founded the national micro-economy. He cared about the well-being of his people amidst the horrors of the First and Second World Wars,” the spiritual leader recalled.
“The first thing that Sheptytsky draws attention to when announcing the rules of wise management is: “Search for the truth, not profit.” The righteous metropolitan tells us that absolute well-being comes when your work brings good and happiness to others. Today we call it corporate social responsibility,” the Primate noted.
The next principle dictates: “Follow the principles, not of investment, business, and profit, but wisdom, creativity, and well-being.”
“Actual well-being comes when the wisdom of a good owner, which the Lord gives to a person, turns into creativity, which finds new means and ways to serve another person, to develop one's business,” the Head of the UGCC assumes.
Metropolitan Andrey says: “To achieve even financial success, know the truth – it will liberate you and bring you a good profit.”
“When someone seeks the truth - emphasizes the spiritual leader - then he learns the real needs of people, understands the moment and time, what, when, and to whom to serve, prepare, sell, satisfy these needs, as well as to show respect for the one who produces or sells quality goods and services. Seek the truth, not profit.”
The Ukrainian economy is going through a great test in war conditions. “That's why today I want to address my speech to those who are engaged in business and economic activities in Ukraine. I assure you in prayer that the Lord will grant you wisdom, creativity, and all of us fair and absolute well-being. And then all those who were forced to flee the Motherland will return to it because they want to live and work with dignity at home. Let us try together to create suitable conditions for this,” the Head of the Church called on.