Forum of "persecuted" called on the president to repeal the law that requires UOC-MP to indicate its affiliation to Russia

The letter states that "state policy is directed against millions of believers", so the UOC-MP is deeply concerned about this.
"We, the people and citizens of the unified state of Ukraine, are deeply concerned that the current state policy is directed against millions of faithful citizens affiliated with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church," the appeal says, among other things.
The forum participants, in particular, demand that the president submit a draft law to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a legislative initiative, which will cancel the operation of the law of Ukraine No. 2673-VIII and the law of Ukraine No. 2662-VIII. We are talking about laws that provide for changing the name of the Church.

As RISU previously reported, on December 20, 2018, the Verkhovna Rada voted in favor of the draft law, according to which the Ukrainian Orthodox Church must change its name and indicate its affiliation with Russia.
It was this law that the UOC-MP called unconstitutional and political.
The draft law of the Ministry for the Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories "on the state policy of the transition period" states that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate will have to establish in official documents that it is a subsidiary of the Russian Orthodox Church.
We add that the UOC-MP terms the voluntary transition to the OCU as "seizures of churches".