Kyiv Cave Monastery Opened Bakery

21.04.2010, 10:28
Kyiv Cave Monastery Opened Bakery - фото 1
When the cathedral was closed down in 1930, its bakery tradition, which began as soon as the monastery was founded, was disrupted.

hlib.jpgKYIV – When the cathedral was closed down in 1930, its bakery tradition, which began as soon as the monastery was founded, was disrupted. The modern bakery has been opened in one of the renewed monastery buildings. Its director, the Rev. Tyt, told that it has an oven and several rooms.

"Each day we bake about 260 buns. They cost six UAH each. However, parishioners buy them out at once," said the Rev. Tyt.

The bread cannot be bought anywhere else. "Yes, you will not find something like this anywhere else. No additives. Everything is natural including pure butter which we buy from a buttery. The bread is also blessed by prayer," said the director.