UCU becomes the first university in Ukraine practicing the model of Service Learning
"UCU is aimed at great public influence. We continue to work on the development of our country through the development of new approaches to teaching, value partnerships and synergies. Therefore, the UCU community will be joining a series of events within the framework of the project "month of Service-Learning in UCU" throughout November-December 2020, organized jointly with the leading Latin American Service Learning Center - CLAYSS. Since UCU is the first university in Ukraine to implement the service Learning model at the institutional level (according to the UCU-2025 strategy), we are ready to share our experience, methodology and best practices, while drawing new knowledge and inspiration from international partners," the UCU notes.
Since February 2019, Ukraine has been discussing the concept of "University of the XXI century", which provides for comprehensive autonomy of higher education institutions and closer cooperation with other universities, society, entrepreneurs, etc. The concept provides for purposeful involvement of the University in the life of the community and demonstration of its own value through activities in this community.
"On October 15 of this year, Pope Francis proclaimed the Global Compact on Education, based on the belief that" education is an act of creating hope." The Holy Father invited Catholic educational institutions, and in particular 1,750 Catholic universities, where 11 million students study, to join this pact. He assigns a unique role in the transformation of education into a "creator of brotherhood, peace, justice" for Service Learning, which is directly mentioned in the program document. The Pope calls Service Learning a fundamental method by which all knowledge and skills should be transferred and acquired. He calls for supplementing education for service with education as a ministry. This is what Service Learning serves," says Taras Dobko, first vice-rector of UCU.
Together with partners, the CLAYSS organization (Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario), UCU has developed a program of events that will allow teachers of this university to practice Service Learning to improve students' academic performance and academic performance by solving specific problems of the local community.
Program objectives:
UCU teachers will study key concepts, theoretical and pedagogical approaches, and international experience in Service-Learning: a clear understanding of the advantages, opportunities, and interdisciplinary projects.
UCU teachers will be trained in the design of the Service Learning course and Project, learn how to plan new practices for the development of SL and attract other institutions to it.
UCU teachers will know how to use the necessary tools for designing, developing and evaluating dream projects, and will get acquainted with the tools for involving society in Service Learning.
UCU will become a reliable partner and resource hub for Ukrainian educational institutions regarding SL in the form of the Center for the development of competencies of SL and will distribute the pedagogy of Service Learning to a broad audience in Lviv and Ukraine as a whole-attracting other Western military districts and general education schools, and offering training courses for teachers, public partners (non – governmental, religious and municipal organizations).
During the "month of Service Learning at UCU", you will have the opportunity to learn about the University's plans to implement Service Learning, as well as opportunities and resources for UCU teachers that will help them integrate SAR approaches into their teaching and research activities.
You can read more here.